Maseru, April 14 – Department of Road Safety has applauded motorists for improved behaviour on the roads.
The expression was emphasised by the Principal Road Officer Mr. Setsoto Putsoa in an interview with the Agency when stating report on how the Department worked over Easter Holidays.
Mr. Putsoa said most vehicles were road worthy and motorists fastened their seat belts saying spot fines given to those who were not complying in this regard were few.
However he said they were still faced with a challenge of drunken driving by motorists especially at night as well as over speeding on open roads.
Asked if there were any road accidents and deaths reported over Easter holidays, Mr. Putsoa said he has not received such report yet.
He therefore appealed to motorists and all road users to comply with road regulations in order to prevent accidents.
Meanwhile earlier in an interview, Lesotho Blood Transfusion Services (LBTS) Principal Laboratory Technologist Mr. Khotso Kalake said that there was no blood shortage in hospitals over Easter holidays as enough blood was collected and demand was not high.
He also said that they believe demand was not high because accidents including road accidents were reported to have been few over the holidays.
Moreover Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS) in collaboration with Road Fund, Prosecution and Courts presented the Automated Traffic Justice System (ATJS) before stakeholders earlier this month.
This system was developed with the objective to improve efficiency in handling road
traffic offences. It is word based and its storage is not on the machine but on the cloud thus road related dockets will not go missing.
The expectation is that the system will be implemented countrywide once the equipment is available.
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