Berea, Dec 27– Piting Parish youths within the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA) have said preparations are at the final stage for the...
Maseru, Dec.27–The Lesotho Contingent in Mozambique under the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) deployed in the Nangade District of Cabo Delgado Province, in a joint...
Maseru, Dec.27–The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Lesotho is saddened by the departure of the journalism guru who has also worked as a reporter...
Botha-Bothe, Dec. 27 — Ms. Likeleli Leu, the Team Leader of Revenue Services Lesotho (RSL), has highlighted ongoing challenges faced by the team concerning Basotho individuals who...
Maseru, Dec. 27 – In an attempt to reduce unemployment at Ha Thetsane, the community (unemployed) have been advised to gather at Lifefo playground where...
Maseru, Dec.24—With few hours left before celebrating Christmas Day, the community of Litenteng Ha-Tsunyane woke up in despair on Sunday morning as the temporary structure...
Maseru, Dec.26–—The area Chief of Koalabata has applauded her community for having celebrated the Christmas holidays so far without any reports of criminal activities. Speaking...