Maseru, Jan. 30 — Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Lesotho, Professor Olusola Fajana has admitted Professor Phomane Khaola into Professorship during an inaugural Lecture at the institution on Thursday.
In his congratulating speech, Fajana commended Khaola for innovatively defending the title as a Professor in Human Resource Management (HRM), and Business Management, indicating that he is not only celebrated by the family and the institution but his academic siblings, offspring and disciples.

He said this nation needs more intervention from academics, especially in innovation, entrepreneurship, and policy making as the country’s policies are either old or misdirected.
Khaola’s research was on Leading and Managing People At The Nexus of Citizenship And Innovative Work Behaviours: Organizational and National Policy Implications.

Defending his position in research, Khaola said ideation or creativity is not innovation and that ideas are useless unless implemented, thus unless ideas are implemented or put more succinctly, exploited in a manner that creates economic value, heavy investment, is not enough for propelling the country to high levels of knowledge-driven growth. . .