Maseru, Oct.19 — Following suspension of classes last week Monday at the National University of Lesotho (NUL) by the Senate due to students’ strike, the classes are set to resume on Monday next week.
President of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) Tumo Tsanyane said that the decision was reached during the meeting with the Senate on Wednesday afternoon saying that the Senate will be called to discuss the recovery plan, however stated that as the SRC they do not support the weekend class without consultation with the Students Union.
He said that they have been informed that 5,946 students have been registered with 1,588 being first year students while the returning students registered are about 2,435 adding that National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS) has cleared 2,857 of returning students.
He however indicated that about 422 students have not yet registered but that their registration is being fast tracked.