Quthing, August 22 — The Quthing various public groups on their traditional attire gathered at Ts’epong sports ground in Tele Agricultural Resource Centre to celebrate District Food Month as to mark 200 years of Lesotho’s Independence on Wednesday this week.
The district event on the theme ‘breaking pots of hunger from poverty to zero granary’ organized by department of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition was dignified with among others exhibition of different agricultural products as to show the journey of Basotho in food production and nutrition with coverage of old and improved technologies to date.
Speaking at the same event the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition Mr Thabo Mofosi emphasized that climate change is real, it is high time Basotho is high time Basotho change their habits of food production and adjust to implementation of different climate change smart strategies encouraged by Agricultural officials for achievement of sustainable food production.
He highlighted that sustainable food production will ease support of King Letsie III, the Nutrition Patron of African Union (AU) to set an example with Basotho that nations have to achieve food security and proper nutrition. . .