Mohale’s Hoek, July 09 — The District Planning and Implementation Team (DPIT) has on Tuesday held the first meeting with stakeholders, with the purpose of discussing ways in which various Ministries and NGO’s could avoid duplication of efforts in their respective lines of work.
The District Coordinator from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Charles Matlabe stated that the role of DPIT among others is to ensure integration of plans with district work, progress reports and provide solutions to challenges.
He further noted that another role of the body is to give strategic support to projects and approve the district’s Annual Work Plan and Budget, (AWPB), therefore making it easier for the District Administrator to manage and coordinate the district effectively.
Mr. Matlabe concluded by emphasizing the significance of taking along the District Administrator as the Chairperson of DPIT when visiting all projects in the district, not only to those with successful stories but also to the ones which have encountered some challenges.