Mohale’s Hoek, April 16 — District Administrator, Ms. Moleboheng Lebele has on Tuesday expressed her disappointment about Heads of Departments who frequently bunk monthly meetings without any explanation.
Ms. Lebele articulated that last month’s meeting had to be cancelled due to the low turnout of members who did not have the courtesy to apologize, citing it’s crucial that authorities attended their meetings on the second Thursday of the month as agreed.
One Head of department who also showed her dismay about the poor attendance, alluded that some members show up in meetings only when they are seeking support about their Ministerial events, but when they have crossed to the other site, they do not bother to attend.
When emphasizing the significance of attending meetings, DA’s Information Officer Mr. Lits’oeneng Tiheli stated that those meetings are used as a platform for HOD’s to report on developments in various Ministries, as well as sharing work plans.