Maseru, Aug. 13 — In a vibrant celebration of International Youth Day, Shy Club organized a series of activities, including a tour of Thaba Bosiu mountain, a clan competition and lively entertainment.
The event, held at the historic site of Thaba Bosiu, drew a large crowd of young people and community leaders all gathered to honor the contributions and potential of the nation’s youth.
Mr. Tebelo Phomane, the chairperson of Shy Club, delivered a powerful address during the event that highlighted the foundational role of She-Hive, an initiative established by survivors of domestic violence, aimed at supporting others affected by gender-based violence (GBV).
“Our mission is to empower survivors of gender-based violence and those impacted by it. We are committed to providing support, advocating for change, and lobbying for the abolishment of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children,” Mr. Phomane stated.