The Maseru Magistrate’s Court through Magistrate Thabang Tapole has on Tuesday granted bail to 15 people charged with corruption, fraud, money laundering involving the Lesotho Post Bank (LPB) and leasing of vehicles to the Government of Lesotho in which over M10 million was lost.
Among those ordered to pay M10,000.00 each are Mathabo Tshehlo (Chief Sales Manager LPB), Molefi Leqhaoe (Managing Director LPB), Mamohau Mapota (Digital Banking Manager LPB), Khethang Makhetha, Keneuoe Mochekoane, Tjoetsane Seoka and Folojeng Folojeng as they are said to still be working.
Another group which is said to comprise those who are not working as they are students and pensioners was directed to pay M5,000.00 bail deposit each. They comprise Malerato Tlalinyane, Maletsabisa Seboka, Mamorena Matsoso, Thabo Tsehlo, Mampho Molefi, Jota Hlabana, Ntsebo Thamae and Sekhonyana Mapota. . . . .