Mohale’s Hoek, Oct.15 — Farmers from various Resource Centres across the district have gathered in numbers at the District Agricultural Office to buy fertilizers and seeds.
One of them, Molete Lekola, a 72-year-old from Qobong, Ketane, stated that he and others registered on Monday, and had to sleep at relatives’ places so that they would be able to wake up in the early hours of the morning, however when they arrived at the offices at 4:30 in the morning, some farmers were already there.
Mr. Lekola further indicated that it is costly on farmers from as far a Ketane to collect seeds at the DAO’s office, stating they hired a truck which has charged them M5000.00, and urged the government to at least take agricultural inputs to Ha Tlhabeli, where there is a Co-operatives building. . .