Quthing, April 16 — Small stock farmers from 15 wool-sheds in Quthing are ready to participate in large numbers at the district small stock show to be held at Moyeni wool-shed on Wednesday this week.
In an Interview with the Agency, the Chairperson of Quthing district Wool and Mohair Growers Association (QWMGA), Mr. Moabi Motloho said the district show is intended to prepare for a two day national event to be held in Maseru from Saturday this week.
He stated at the district show where farmers from 15 wool sheds in the district compete and identify the best hybrid small stock of different types to represent the district at a two-day national event on competition of farmers from all 10 districts in production of merino sheep and angora goats.
He said that the competition will be on among others, hybrid ewe and does, kids, lambs, rams and bucks, and best wool and mohair produced by different merino sheep and angora goats.